ONLYOFFICE Docs Community Edition installed

To edit office documents and collaborate, integrate ONLYOFFICE Docs into your sync&share app.

Integration options

Starting from version 7.2, JWT is enabled by default.

A random secret is generated automatically if a custom secret has not been added during installation.
The secret is available in - %ProgramFiles%\ONLYOFFICE\DocumentServer\config\local.json

in - services.CoAuthoring.secret.browser.string parameter.

If you want to replace the default secret with a custom key, read the documentation.

Testing before integration

Use the integrated test example, a simple doc management system, to check if the editors are running correctly.

Start test example:

net start DsExampleSvc

Add it to the autostart:

sc.exe config DsExampleSvc start=auto

If you already installed test example, access it here:


Please do NOT use a test example on your own server without proper code modifications. It is intended for testing purposes only and must be disabled before launching the editors into production.

Getting help

For free Community version, create issues on GitHub or use our forum.
For commercial versions, contact us here.

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